Journal Scan

Potential driver for metastasis in bone cancer identified

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Researchers discovered a new multidimensional MAPK7/MMP9 signaling hub in primary bone cancer metastasis, according to a study in Oncogene.

Using whole tumor plus single-cell RNA-sequencing and circulating tumor cells, researchers discovered mitogen-activated protein kinase 7/matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MAPK7/MMP9) signaling, acting as a driver for primary bone cancer metastasis, including lung metastasis.   

Blocking this signaling pathway may suppress tumor burden and metastatic spread.

The approach here finds that blockade of MAPK7/MMP9 signalling may overcome current hurdles for targeting pathways that ultimately lead to metastatic lung nodule formation in a childhood cancer,” the authors concluded.


Green D, Eyre H, Singh A, et al. Targeting the MAPK7/MMP9 axis for metastasis in primary bone cancer. Oncogene. 2020;https://doi.org/10.1038/s41388-020-1379-0.
